"The Injury Prevention Workshop for Golfers presented by Penelope Wasserman on Oct. 6, 2024 was far more valuable to me than hours of practice on the range, and many golf clinics that I have attended in the past.As a “Super Senior” golfer and tennis player I am often sore and/or stiff.
A good part of the workshop involved mobility exercises. After the workshop I noticed that my body no longer felt stiff and uncomfortable as it had for several months. And later when I went to hit balls my swing was more fluid than it had been for some time. Today I played tennis and noticed the fluidity and comfort transferred to my tennis game. I am so glad I attended. This was more than Injury Prevention it was a key to a more functional body.”
Dr. Bee Epstein-Shepherd, Performance Psychology, Hypnotherapy, Author, Mental Management for Great Golf (How to Control Your Thoughts and Play Out of Your Mind)
From my previous sessions with Penelope, I can attest to the personal attention she gives to each individual and to her anticipating of any issues they might encounter.
She did a wonderful job. The addition of her skills, expertise, and knowledge are most needed at our River Ranch facility.
With appreciation and regards,
Rosemary Coulter
Our Services
To book a session & get more info, email: [email protected]
Custom private session.
75-minute group class.
Private or group sessions outdoors. It’s not the quantity of steps that matter, it’s the quality of steps! Improve your movement experience & balance with proper placement, posture, and breathing. 45 minutes to 3 hours.
90-minutes to full-day & weekend workshops that are customized to the individual needs of your group and event.
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